The Tropical Greenhouse
The tropics are by far the most species-rich region on earth. In the Tropical Greenhouse of the Botanical Garden, tropical plants from different regions of the earth are displayed. In addition to many different wild plants, important tropical useful plants such as cinnamon, cocoa or vanilla are also on display.
The Tropical Greenhouse was built in 1965. After 50 years the greenouse showed significant age damage and needed to be replaced. From fall 2019 to spring 2023, the University of Basel built a new and modern tropical greenhouse. The visitor foyer was also renovated from the ground up and equipped with a large front facade. More information about the new Tropical Greenhouse re-opened in 2023 can be found here.
Without the generous support of sponsors and donors, it would not have been possible to build the new Tropical Greenhouse. We would like to thank all sponsors, private donors and helpers for their commitment!
On display in the Tropical Greenhouse are, among others:
- Tree-like pipe flower or "Darth Vader flower" (Aristolochia arborea)
- Tropical crops such as cocoa, banana and coffee
- Hairy sea grape tree (Coccoloba pubescens)
- Titan arum (Amorphophallus titanum)